Workshop 3D Modeling & BIM
Solutions for Cultural Heritage
IX edition | 12th April 2023, Roma
*in order to receive the certificate of attendance
Call for papers
In the recent year, several calls for proposals have been published with PNRR funds, aimed at the valorisation of Cultural Heritage, in which the scientific community has been directly and indirectly involved to participate in the drafting of some research and/or project proposals.
The Workshop intends, within this framework, to gather the most up-to-date proposals, tools and procedures in architectural planning, surveying, design and visualisation, i.e. in the dissemination of the project, architecture and cultural heritage.
The Workshop also intends to establish itself as a privileged observatory on the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in architectural and sustainable design by delving into both the technical aspects and the new procedures envisaged by the regulations concerning this new philosophy of organising the representation of the project.
The Workshop is organised, for the scientific coordination part, by the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture of Sapienza University of Rome, the Faculty of Architecture and the Master BIM and Maser in HBIM of Sapienza University of Rome.
It will be possible to participate in presence or in telematic mode.
10th november 2022 – Opening call for long abstract;
20th february 2023 28th february 2023 – Submission deadline;
15th march 2023 21st march 2023 – Notification of acceptance and author’s registrations openings;
5th april 2023 – Free registration opening for professionals, students, researchers and auditors;
11th april 2023 – Registration closed;
12th april 2023 – Workshop 3D Modeling & BIM
15th may 2023 31st may 2023 – Deadline for full paper submission.
The official languages of the conference are Italian and English.
The call for long abstracts addressed to scholars is open from 10 November 2022 to 20 February 2023, with the submission of a contribution in Italian or English.
Acceptance of long abstracts, which will be subject to double blind review, will be announced on 10 March 2023.
After acceptance, authors will be requested to submit the long paper (ca. 15,000 characters), italian and english, for publication by 15 May 2023 31st may 2023.
Long abstracts should be composed as follows:
- title
- authors/authors
- authors/authors affiliation and email
- abstract 300 characters including spaces
- keywords (max 5)
- text (max 5000 characters including spaces)
- 1 or 2 images
Full papers should be composed as follows:
- title (max 80 characters)
- authors/authors
- authors/authors affiliation and email
- abstract 500 characters including spaces
- keywords (max 5)
- text (max 15000 characters including spaces)
- max 8 images (300dpi, minimum width 1920px)
The submission email must have attached a compressed folder containing:
- a file in text format (.doc or .docx) complete with images and captions, in both languages, saved under the name: Last_Name_WS23;
- a file in text format (.doc or .docx) complete with only the captions, saved under the name: Last_Name_dida;
- a .pdf file of the contribution complete with images and captions and without references that could make the authors recognisable, saved under the name: Surname_Name_WS23_blind;
- the images in .jpeg format.
The folder must be named surname_name of the corresponding author.
Accepted papers will be published in a volume with ISBN.
For information and clarification:
The registration fee (1 fee per contribution) is € 180.00.
The deadline for registration and payment in order to publish your contribution in the volume 3D Modeling & BIM. Solutions for Cultural Heritage is 11 April 2023.
Instructions for payment and registration will be provided later.
Tommaso Empler (Director)
Fabio Quici (Scientific Coordinator 3D Modeling)
Graziano Mario Valenti (Scientific Coordinator HBIM, Data and Semantics)
Alexandra Fusinetti (General Coordination)
Carlo Bianchini
Cecilia Bolognesi
Adriana Caldarone
Michele Calvano
Andrea Casale
Emanuela Chiavoni
Massimiliano Lo Turco
Carlo Inglese
Laura Inzerillo
Alfonso Ippolito
Elena Ippoliti
Sandro Parrinello
Marta Salvatore
Cettina Santagati
Massimo Babudri, Ordine degli Ingegneri di Roma (Italy)
Carlo Bianchini, Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)
Fabio Bianconi, Università di Perugia (Italy)
Cecilia Maria Bolognesi, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
Stefano Brusaporci, Università dell’Aquila (Italy)
Adriana Caldarone, Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)
Michele Calvano, CNR – ISPC (Italy)
Maria Grazia Cianci, Università Roma Tre (Italy)
Roberto de Rubertis, XY Digitale (Italy)
Tommaso Empler, Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)
Marco Filippucci, Università di Perugia (Italy)
Donatella Fiorani, Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)
Elena Gigliarelli, CNR – ISPC (Italy)
Elena Ippoliti, Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)
Massimiliano Lo Turco, Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
Giovanna Massari, Università di Trento (Italy)
Anna Osello, Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
Ivan Paduano, Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)
Leonardo Paris, Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)
Sandro Parrinello, Università di Pavia (Italy)
Fabio Quici, Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)
Alberto Raimondi, Università Roma Tre (Italy)
Manuel Ròdenas, UPCT Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (Spain)
Maria Laura Rossi, Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)
Michela Rossi, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
Francesco Ruperto, Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)
Livio Sacchi, Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” di Chieti – Pescara (Italy)
Mario Sacco, BIM Expert (Italy)
Cettina Santagati, Università di Catania (Italy)
Alberto Sdegno, Università degli studi di Udine (Italy)
Graziano Mario Valenti, Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)
Valeria Zacchei, PhD BIM Expert (Italy)